Excess fat in a man’s breast area is technically called, “gynecomastia”. Our male patients tend to call their male breasts “man boobs” or “moobs”. No matter what name you give it, the condition can be embarrassing and hurt your confidence.

Now, a new, effective, state-of-the-art, affordable, non-surgical treatment called CoolSculpting™ is available for male breast reduction!

CoolSculpting™ has helped many men shed the fatty breast area and achieve a more masculine, sculpted chest. You’ll finally be able to confidently take off your shirt at the beach, pool, gym or during those more intimate moments.

Gynecomastia Vs. Pseudo-Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia and pseudo-gynecomastia may look similar, but have different causes and the treatment options are very different. Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of large mammary glands in men caused by a hormonal imbalance. Pseudo-gynecomastia, on the other hand, is an excess deposit of fat in the man’s chest area, often hereditary or from weight gain. Both conditions resemble feminine breasts.

Because gynecomastia is a hormone imbalance, it is first treated with hormone therapy. Surgery may be necessary to remove excess glandular breast tissue. The doctors at the Hutzen Women’s Group in Detroit can recommend and provide treatment options for male breast reduction. For gynecomastia, CoolSculpting is not an effective treatment.

For pseudo-gynecomastia, CoolSculpting can destroy fatty deposits in the male breast area and is highly effective. A free, discreet and private consultation with our health specialists will identify the best treatment options for your condition.

Using CoolSculpting to Reduce Male Breasts

The beauty of CoolSculpting for male breast reduction is that it is non-surgical and non-invasive. Each treatment takes about an hour per side, while you lay back and relax. The effects are gradual over a few months, with no scarring. The only way people will know you had any treatments is if you tell them!

CoolSculpting used for male breast reduction is an innovative, high-tech device that targets, freezes and destroys fat cells in the breast area. Through the body’s natural processes, the fat cells will be expelled over the next couple of months, decreasing the breast size and revealing a more masculine, sculpted chest.

There’s no need to schedule any downtime for CoolSculpting male breast reduction. Many men return directly back to work or even to the gym right after their session.

About 20% of fat cells in the target area are destroyed during each CoolSculpting treatment. The desired amount of fat to be destroyed in the breast area may require a second session to achieve maximum results. It will take about two months to see the final breast reduction.

CoolSculpting Can Eliminate Male Breasts or “Man Boobs”

Men with pseudo-gynecomastia are great candidates for CoolSculpting if these conditions exist:

  • “Man Boobs” are fatty deposits, not from obesity.
  • Man has breasts that are small to moderate size.
  • Male breasts are fatty tissue and not mammary glands.
  • Man breasts are not the result of a hormonal imbalance.
  • Perfect for men who want to avoid breast reduction surgery.
  • Men who do NOT want to interrupt their activities with downtime.

Why be self-conscious and embarrassed about your body when there’s a solution to your problem. CoolSculpting offers a fast, easy, affordable way to make “man boobs” a thing of the past. Get the body you’ve always wanted. Call and schedule your CoolSculpting appointment today and say goodbye to undesirable fat from anywhere on your body!

CoolSculpting: Detroit, Grosse Pointe

We have helped hundreds of women and men in Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Dearborn and across Wayne County eliminate stubborn body fat, and get a physique they love with CoolSculpting. 

If you live or work in Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Dearborn or anywhere in Wayne County call Hutzel Women’s Health Specialists to get the body you want.

Schedule a Detroit, or Grosse Pointe area CoolSculpting Consultation: 313-833-8800